An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
Mitchell Soil and Water Conservation District
Mitchell County, Iowa
About the Library:
Our little library is open to all local community members and is meant to be a resource to help our community explore and learn about topics such as soil health, conservation, sustainable and regenerative agriculture, food issues, ecology, and Iowa's natural resources. Please contact staff if you have questions or are interested in checking out any material!
Scholarship Program
Every year the Mitchell Soil and Water Conservation District offers a $500 scholarship to a Mitchell County Senior who is pursuing study in agricultural or environmental field. The awarded applicant will then go on to compete with applicants from other counties for additional scholarships up to $3,000 from the Conservation Districts of Iowa (CDI)!
Interested in applying for the scholarship or know of someone who might be? Learn more about the scholarship program here...
Water Sampling
With the support of the
Mitchell Country Supervisors,
the MSWCD conducts monthly
routine water sampling
throughout the county from
April to October. In 2021,
staff is sampling 23 sites
through Mitchell County. Sites
are tested for E. Coli, Nitrate + Nitrite Nitrogen as N, and Total Phosphorus as P.
Sampling is conducted on the Cedar River (two sites), Little Cedar River (two sites), Wapsipinicon River (two sites), Rock Creek (five sites), Sugar Creek (one site), Turtle Creek (one site), Dancer Creek (one site), Otter Creek (one site), Beaver Creek (one site), Burr Oak Creek (one site), Spring Creek (two sites), and unnamed tributaries (three sites)